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Leapfrog 2023.1版本新登场

       We are thrilled to announce the release of Leapfrog 2023.1.  This release is packed with performance improvements, better interoperability, and enhanced visualization that will transform your customers' geological modelling workflows.


       我们怀着无比激动的心情宣布Leapfrog 2023.1版本闪亮登场。此版本包含性能改进、更好的互操作性和增强的可视化效果,这些都将极大地改进广大客户的地质建模工作流程。


       Section Improvements

       As well as continued enhancements to plan views, we have introduced a major new feature that allows strip maps to be automatically added to vertical cross-sections.  This feature simplifies workflows for users, making it easier to produce the outputs required for reports and communication.




       Domained Estimators

       Youll also notice changes to domained estimators to improve resource estimation workflows.  Flexibility has been added to modelling workflows through sharing of variable orientation objects and variograms models.




       Block Modelling

       A new block model creation dialogue simplifies model creation, while fully-sub-blocked models have been migrated to the same storage as regular and octree models, leveraging earlier improvements to performance, 2D visualization and sectional display for these models.  The changes also enable a long-standing request to import a wider variety of sub-blocked model types.




       More control for intrusions

       Additionally, we have added flexibility to modelling workflows through variable orientation objects and variogram models, along with tweaks to the UI.  These changes are just the beginning of planned improvements in estimation workflows.


